The Market
Fossil carbon remains an essential part of our lives, but its acquisition, use, and disposal has led to planet-level issues.
We must actively transition away from fossil carbon to renewable alternatives.
Cetogenix believes organic waste bioresources are the most compelling alternative.
Our technology, Ceto-Boost™, reimagines this vast, under utilised resource of non-fossil carbon to deliver significant untapped environmental and economic advantages – and tackle some of the critical barriers to today’s unsustainable waste management practices:
Addressing the complex, distributed nature of organic wastes
Avoiding land application as their default final destination
Optimising value recovery potential
Eliminating zero-value by-products and contaminants


Municipal Wastewater
Municipal wastewater treatment plants are very dependent on secure off-site disposal of biosolids, which often involves transport to agricultural land application or large-scale incineration.
These single market and single technology pathways are increasingly under market and regulatory pressures due to contaminants, costs, and social license.
Ceto-Boost™ can be readily integrated into existing wastewater treatment plant infrastructure, decoupling the site from dependence on offsite disposal of biosolids.

Agricultural Biogas
Rapid growth in demand for biogas is being fuelled by many factors, including climate policy and markets paying significant premiums for green fuel.
Ceto-Boost™ provides a game-changing opportunity for agricultural biogas plants to receive feedstocks that were previously uneconomic due to poor yields, increase biomethane production by more than 40%, and reduce their dependence on digestate disposal.
Unlocking new feedstocks and enhancing overall carbon efficiency will enable biogas to play an even greater role in the transition to renewables.
The potential to concentrate and separate nutrients as a result of Ceto-Boost™ will also enable the targeted use of these in established value chains as fertilisers and industrial chemicals.

Industrial Wastes
These waste streams can come from a variety of sources, such as by-products of food processing, pharmaceuticals, and industrial wastewater treatment sludges.
Ceto-Boost™ modular systems have the potential to enable onsite management of industrial organic waste streams at a matched scale, eliminating the need for offsite disposal, and reducing the GHG emissions footprint of the associated industrial products.